VOGUE GERMANY {märz 2013}

I always love magazine,pictures & the way they demonstrate the objects.I started collecting magazine when I am about 15 years old and it started from Seventeen Magazine as usual teenager age but quickly turn into ELLE and then Vogue etc ,but mostly I bought the magazine as a secondhand one if it is an international one(not printed in Thailand) because if you ever come to Thailand you will find out that taxes is killing you like if the magazine about 2 dollars in US. you have to buy it in 5-6 dollars here.So I love to find the prints at my favorite vintage/second-hand book store (not exactly a store)  near my neighbor and my parents didn't appreciated my passion for magazine cause I spent most of my money as a young girl on em.And now my book shelf can not handle my magazine collection any more.These are my newest purchase on Vogue Germany ( March 2013 ) but I just found this beaut on shelf. Everytime you need an inspiration you always find it in these prints and here are my favorite of all. (now) 


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